Evaluate Mark Antony's character; in what ways has his character been misjudged by others, and even by us? How does he show us another side [of his personality] by the end of Act III, Sc. 1?
For 5th and 8th periods:
Finish guided reading questions 1-8:
1. What does Decius do to stop Artemidorus from giving his letter to Caesar?
2. Who else seems to know about the assassination plot? How do Cassius and Brutus react?
3. What do the conspirators petition from Caesar? Why does he refuse?
4. How was this petition a set up?
5. What is Caesar's reaction to seeing Brutus stab him? Why does he say "Et tu, Brute? Then fall Caesar"?
6. What do the conspirators do with Caesar's blood? Who foresaw this happening?
7. How does Antony react to Caesar's death? What does he want from the conspirators?
8. What does Cassius promise Antony? What wish does Brutus grant him?